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Running WP CLI

When all setup with the WP CLI, you can use command started with wp followed by the subcommands. To see the list of subcommands, just type wp or wp --help or if you wish to know the list of sub-sub-commands, for example wp user run wp user --help and it will list the sub sub commands.

For example, if I want to see the list of themes installed on my WP build, I just type the wp followed with subcommand theme then the task command list :

wp theme list

It will give you list of the theme:

| name            | status   | update | version |
| twentyeleven    | inactive | none   | 3.6     |
| twentyfifteen   | inactive | none   | 2.8     |
| twentyfourteen  | inactive | none   | 3.0     |
| twentynineteen  | inactive | none   | 1.9     |
| twentyseventeen | inactive | none   | 2.5     |
| twentysixteen   | inactive | none   | 2.3     |
| twentyten       | inactive | none   | 3.2     |
| twentythirteen  | inactive | none   | 3.2     |
| twentytwelve    | inactive | none   | 3.3     |
| twentytwenty    | inactive | none   | 1.6     |
| nasigoreng      | active   | none   | 1.1     |

To activate or deactivate theme: wp followed with sub command theme then the task command activate then the object which is the theme name e.g. twentytwenty

 wp theme activate twentytwenty 

It will switch the theme from twentytwentyone to twentytwenty

Success: Switched to 'Twenty Twenty' theme.

Running in DDEV environment

If you are running the WP install in DDEV environment, add ddev before wp

ddev wp theme activate twentytwenty

Or else if will return error connecting database:

Error: Error establishing a database connection.

wp scaffold

wp scaffold will help us create some codes for creating:

  • child theme
  • post types
  • custom plugins starter
  • taxonomy
  • created theme based on Underscores

To use the wp scaffold just add the subcommands and the name. Example below is creating child theme from twentytwenty:

wp scaffold child-theme nasi-goreng --parent_theme=twentytwenty

To create a custom theme starter based on _s Undrescore, theme name nasi-goreng:

wp scaffold _s my-theme --theme_name="Nasi Goreng" --author="Emperor Nasi Goreng"

If the command above didn’t work and give you this message ;

Error: Could not decompress your theme files ('/tmp/underscores-aede5jGF.tmp') at '/path-to-your-folder/wp/wp-content/themes': Incompatible Archive.

just go to the Underscores website and generate it from the form, then download and install like a usual WP theme install.

wp search-replace

This will search through the database rows of tables and replace the first string with second one. This command uses tables that are registerd in $wpdb

Example, I want to replace all nasi terms and replace them with goreng:

wp search-replace nasi goreng

Recommended to use --dry run to be sure of what you are doing, just to show you the changes that will be made before confirming the action.

And it will show you the number of changes made:

| Table            | Column                | Replacements | Type |
| woop_commentmeta   | meta_key              | 0            | SQL  |
| woop_commentmeta   | meta_value            | 0            | SQL  |
| woop_comments      | comment_author        | 0            | SQL  |
| woop_comments      | comment_author_email  | 0            | SQL  |
| woop_comments      | comment_author_url    | 0            | SQL  |
| woop_comments      | comment_author_IP     | 0            | SQL  |
| woop_comments      | comment_content       | 0            | SQL  |
| woop_comments      | comment_approved      | 0            | SQL  |
| woop_comments      | comment_agent         | 0            | SQL  |
| woop_comments      | comment_type          | 0            | SQL  |
| woop_links         | link_url              | 0            | SQL  |
| woop_links         | link_name             | 0            | SQL  |
| woop_links         | link_image            | 0            | SQL  |
| woop_links         | link_target           | 0            | SQL  |
| woop_links         | link_description      | 0            | SQL  |
| woop_links         | link_visible          | 0            | SQL  |
| woop_links         | link_rel              | 0            | SQL  |
| woop_links         | link_notes            | 0            | SQL  |
| woop_links         | link_rss              | 0            | SQL  |
| woop_options       | option_name           | 0            | SQL  |
| woop_options       | option_value          | 8            | PHP  |
| woop_options       | autoload              | 0            | SQL  |
| woop_postmeta      | meta_key              | 0            | SQL  |
| woop_postmeta      | meta_value            | 0            | SQL  |
| woop_posts         | post_content          | 2            | SQL  |
| woop_posts         | post_title            | 0            | SQL  |
| woop_posts         | post_excerpt          | 0            | SQL  |
| woop_posts         | post_status           | 0            | SQL  |
| woop_posts         | comment_status        | 0            | SQL  |
| woop_posts         | ping_status           | 0            | SQL  |
| woop_posts         | post_password         | 0            | SQL  |
| woop_posts         | post_name             | 0            | SQL  |
| woop_posts         | to_ping               | 0            | SQL  |
| woop_posts         | pinged                | 0            | SQL  |
| woop_posts         | post_content_filtered | 0            | SQL  |
| woop_posts         | guid                  | 4            | SQL  |
| woop_posts         | post_type             | 0            | SQL  |
| woop_posts         | post_mime_type        | 0            | SQL  |
| woop_term_taxonomy | taxonomy              | 0            | SQL  |
| woop_term_taxonomy | description           | 0            | SQL  |
| woop_termmeta      | meta_key              | 0            | SQL  |
| woop_termmeta      | meta_value            | 0            | SQL  |
| woop_terms         | name                  | 0            | SQL  |
| woop_terms         | slug                  | 0            | SQL  |
| woop_usermeta      | meta_key              | 0            | SQL  |
| woop_usermeta      | meta_value            | 0            | PHP  |
| woop_users         | user_login            | 0            | SQL  |
| woop_users         | user_nicename         | 0            | SQL  |
| woop_users         | user_email            | 0            | SQL  |
| woop_users         | user_url              | 1            | SQL  |
| woop_users         | user_activation_key   | 0            | SQL  |
| woop_users         | display_name          | 0            | SQL  |
Success: Made 15 replacements.

Create admin user withwp user

Create user with the role:

wp user create name --role=administrator
#this will create user
Success: Created user 2.
#and default password
Password: ^oRY2M$GgElWjhan^(FEsrD5TD

Then you can reset pasword:

wp user reset-password <user>... [--skip-email]

To add admin user from existing, change the role:

wp user set-role <user> [<role>]